Fran Drescher life photos pictures

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Francine Joy Drescher
(born September 30, 1957) is an Emmy award and Golden Globe nominated American film and television actress, comedian, and activist. She is famous for her nasal voice, machine gun like laugh, widow's peak hairline, and exaggerated Queens accent.


  • Film
    • Saturday Night Fever (1977)
    • American Hot Wax (1978)
    • Gorp (1980)
    • The Hollywood Knights (1980)
    • Ragtime (1981)
    • Doctor Detroit (1983)
    • The Rosebud Beach Hotel (1984)
    • This is Spinal Tap (1984)
    • The Big Picture (1989)
    • Wedding Band (1990)
    • Cadillac Man (1990)
    • We're Talking Serious Money (1992)
    • Car 54, Where Are You? (1994)
    • Jack (1996)
    • The Beautician and the Beast (1997) (also executive producer)
    • Kid Quick (2000) (short subject)
    • Picking Up the Pieces (2000)
    • Beautiful Girl (2003)
    • Santa's Slay (2005)
    • Shark Bait (2007)
  • Television
    • Summer Of Fear aka "Stranger In Our House" (1978)
    • Fame (1982 TV series) (1 episode, Metamorphosis) (1982)
    • Charmed Lives (1986) (canceled after 4 months)
    • Rock 'n' Roll Mom (1988)
    • What's Alan Watching? (1989)
    • Love and Betrayal (1989)
    • Princesses (1991) (canceled after 7 episodes)
    • Without Warning: Terror in the Towers (1993)
    • The Nanny as Fran Fine ,Writer (8 episodes),executive producer (1 episode),Director (Call Me Fran 1998)(1993-1999)
    • The Nanny Christmas Special: Oy to the World (1995) (voice)
    • Strong Medicine as Irene Slater (1 episode, 'Cinderella in Scrubs' ,2004),Director ('Like Cures Like', 2004)
    • Living with Fran as Fran Reeves and also executive producer (2005-2006)
    • What I Like About You as her Living with Fran character, Fran Reeves (1 episode, 2005)
    • The Simpsons (1 episode, Treehouse of Horror XVII) (2006)
    • Law & Order: Criminal Intent (1 episode, "The War at Home") (2006)
    • Thank God You're Here (US version) (2007)
    • Entourage (2008)

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