Brooke Satchwell picTURE TV STAR LİFE NEW photos

tv star Brooke Satchwell picture Matthew Newton and ( love ) Brooke Satchwell ...
Brooke Satchwell picTURE TV STAR LİFE NEW photos

Brooke Kerith Satchwell (born 14 November 1980 in Melbourne) is an Australian actress.

Satchwell started acting in 1994, appearing in the ABC's Musical Harriet and several commercials before landing the role of Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours.[1] She won the Best New Talent at the 1998 Logie Awards and an Australian People's Choice Award for Favourite Teen Idol in 1999.

On 26 November 2008, Satchwell narrowly escaped injury after being caught up in a terrorist attack as she sipped coffee in Cafe Leopold, Mumbai[2][3]. Satchwell filmed a complaint about her treatment by the Australian consulate from the relative safety away from the terrorist activities [4]. This complaint was released to the media while the hostage situation continued and while the Australian Government negotiated to assist the Indian government to end the crisis and sought information about Australians still caught up in the crisis [5] [6]

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